For Dental Practice SuccessIn a previous post, I shared the not-so-secret truth that your primary business isn’t just dentistry—it’s the generation of new patients. Without them, your practice becomes as lifeless as zero balance in your checking account. But once those new patients walk through your doors, the real question arises: What’s your next move? Most would say the goal is to diagnose
How to Diagnose Someone’s Wallet (Hint: Don’t)
Nov. 29, 2024She walked into the office after a long hospital shift, looking like she’d just survived a 12-round bout with life. Exhausted. Disheveled. Referred by a coworker who wouldn’t stop raving about how painless my injections were (reputation: intact). She hadn’t seen a dentist in ten years—fear and a previous bad experience had kept her away. But a week of sleepless
These 3 Letters Can Change Everything
Nov. 17, 2024We all have our daily routines— like brushing our teeth. Buthave you ever stopped mid-brush to wonder why you’re doing it that way? For instance, do you brush before breakfast or after? And if it’s after, have you considered what you’re eating? (Spoiler alert: brushing right after acidic foods is like taking a jackhammer to your teeth.) Think about it: maybe that
Key Mistakes That Could Derail Your Case Presentation
Nov. 10, 2024The biggest mistake? Simple: talking about yourself. Your practice, your achievements, your wall of shiny awards—sounds impressive, right? But here’s the catch: no one cares about your accolades. Your audience cares about one thing: themselves. They want to know, “What’s in it for me?” A colleague once asked, “I know you have letters and fellowships to your name. Why not
Big or Small?
Nov. 05, 2024In a world where we often feel pressured to be all things to all people, it’s easy for a dental practice to believe that success comes from serving as many patients as possible. But what if we started by asking why we do what we do? What if our focus wasn’t on being the biggest dental practice, but on creating
Do you really know your audience?
Oct. 28, 2024When I sold my first practice, it wasn’t because I woke up one day with a grand plan. It was a realization. A jolt. I understood that my potential buyers weren’t just limited—they were almost nonexistent. My practice, located across from the Medical Center and Dental School, had value only for someone in my shoes: on the faculty, just like
The Disruptors, the Disrupted, and the Consumer
Oct. 21, 2024The cycle is inevitable. When Sears rolled into town, small hardware stores faltered. When Bed Bath & Beyond expanded, mom-and-pop shops couldn’t keep up. But then, Sears? Gone. Bed Bath & Beyond? Also gone. So where do customers go now? The internet? Rite Aid, Walgreens, and CVS crushed nearly all the family-owned pharmacies. Rite Aid just filed for Chapter 11
Order From Chaos
Oct. 14, 2024“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” The story goes back to Genesis, where darkness and disorder reigned, and the first task was to bring light, to create order from the chaos. “It was good.” The Golden Rule, “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself,” seems simple, yet it’s caused me some
Oct. 06, 2024After becoming a finalist in the Magnetic Marketing contest, and hearing what I won, I tried to imagine what a whole day with Dan Kennedy, someone I’ve followed for 40 years, would be like. For weeks before going to Cleveland, I crafted the questions I would ask the Master of Marketing, just as I had before I met with the
A Double Kennedy Experience
Sep. 30, 2024Who would’ve guessed? Two Kennedys in one day? But that’s exactly what happened, and let me tell you, I couldn’t be more thrilled. It all started at the United Lounge in Newark on my way to Cleveland. There, purely by chance, I crossed paths with none other than RFK Jr. I was en route to meet one of my mentors,
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