Lessons From The Godfather of Influence

May 12, 2024
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Dr. Robert Cialdini’s book “Influence” has had a huge impact on many.  The late Charley Munger, Warren Buffet’s partner, in 2 gifted Dr. Cialdini a single share of Berkshire Hathaway stock after reading it.  He was so grateful to have learned the principles and immediately recognized its value and how implementing them in Berkshire Hathaway’s businesses would improve their performance.   Back then, that single share was worth $72,750.  Pretty nice gift!  Today, that share is worth $622,000.  

The principles work.

When Tony Robbins read the book he immediately invited Dr. Cialdini to speak at his events.  Tony too benefitted from the Principles as have so many.

I first read the book as part of a Mastermind group in 2006 and immediately began incorporating the principles into practice in my dental practice, in my academic teaching and even in my personal life.  The principles, because they are based on scientific research on human psychology work everywhere.

So, when the opportunity came to learn directly from the Master by joining the Cialdini Institute as a founding member, I jumped.  It’s been an honor to personally meet some of the people whose books have impacted my life. From academics to politicians and authors, I’ve managed to meet and even develop friendships with many.  Now I can count Dr. Cialdini among that group.

What an amazing 2 days celebrating 40 years of Influence with Bob his wife and the rest of the Institute people.  It’s always energizing to be around like mindedpeople.  In this case, people who are eager to learn and to improve their lives and performance in their profession.

Along with wonderful lectures and camaraderie, I was able to ask specific questions of Dr. Cialdini and the other experts, geared to helping dental practices with their struggles related to human interaction.  By applying the principles throughout the process of patient acquisition, marketing, referral generation, the initial phone call, the initial visit, treatment presentation, case acceptance, financial arrangements, home care instructions, follow-through, and maintenance, a positive outcome that benefits the patient, providers and the practice can be achieved.

In next month’s Coffee With The Coach Webinar, I will reveal my #1 take away.  It’s how the judicious use of ONE word can significantly increase the number of people you diagnose to move forward with treatment.  It helps overcome the PRICE objection and the natural tendencies of people to accept the status quo and procrastinate.  It’s almost MAGIC!


That’s the power of the principles of persuasion. Register for the next webinar now!


P.S.  interested in joining the Influence Movement and learn what has helped Charley Munger, Tony Robbins and so many others, directly from the Godfather of Influence himself?  Take the course and become a certified practitioner of ethical influence.

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Dr. Michael Goldberg is one of the leading educators on dental practice management in the United States.

Michael ran and sold a prestigious group practice in Manhattan and has been on Faculty at Columbia University and New York-Presbyterian Medical Center for 30 years including Director of the GPR program and Director of the course on Practice Management.

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