Practice Transition Checklist

What's the next step for your practice?
$ 49.00

Most Dentists wait too long to think about how they will transition their practices.

Instead of “Building with the END in Mind”, they wait until often, it’s too late to do much about the process but hope.   That almost always, leaves hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table, money that could be out to use towards a more comfortable lifestyle.   That’s a shame.

But don’t worry, even if you’re in the 4th quarter, there’s still time to make modifications to your transition plan that can save you thousands of dollars.  In fact, just the process of completing this checklist, will help you congeal your plan into a viable pathway towards your goals, whatever they may be.

The following should be used as a checklist, literally, checking off the boxes as the task is completed.  As you will note, some of these tasks are actually questions.  They require some thought.  Spend the time thinking of the answers and them write it down in the space provided.  That’s why this checklist is in the form of a workbook.

You’ve done a huge amount of work to get to this point.

This process too will require some work on your part.   There’s no magic bullet, no savior that will come and swoop you up and take you to the promised land (at least not in this life).  You must take the time and put in the effort.

The time and effort will pay off handsomely.  The value of your practice can only be realized when YOU know exactly what you want.

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