Twas The Day After Christmas…….

December 26, 2021
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Twas the day after Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were empty and the cupboards all bare,
Knowing that fun was had by all that were there.

And the cheer will continue through the next week
As business matters might not have nearly a peek.
The books are all cooked and done to a crisp
With handpieces down and nary a wisp.

In the coming weeks we’ll all be regaled
With the stories of schemes that succeeded and failed.
You’ll hear from those who have big plans for you
Giving costly advice for all you should do.

But nobody knows the secrets you hold
The many pieces of the puzzle so bold
That make up the plans you’ve certainly made
To make ‘22 the greatest parade.

Oh the people you’ll certainly cure
Relieve them of pain they’ll no longer endure
While keeping your team and family full
Of course they’ll have money to buy more than gruel.

But how will such plans just magically unfold
If the numbers you know are tragically old.
Be bold and find out what you must certainly know
In a webinar to be given that will allow you to grow.

The strategy which, will then be revealed
Will enable your efforts to have greater yield.
Your plans will be given the light they deserve
To enable you to do more for those that you serve.

For profit is not such a terrible thing
If you use it for more than a gold crusted swing.
It can facilitate dreams and much so much more
Like a beanstalk rising out of a small, tiny spore.

So get thee to the WEBINAR without any delay
So you can get right back to all that you play
Because recharging your batteries is imperative too
To enable you to succeed in all that you do.

Do it right now before it’s too late
Or risk not being present for what I will relate
In the numbers that you should certainly know
To help what you’ve already planted, predictably grow.

See you then when I’ll have the time
To relay what I know without any rhyme.
I promise you’ll learn the simple “how to”
Smartly make the most from all that you do.


See you then,

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Dr. Michael Goldberg is one of the leading educators on dental practice management in the United States.

Michael ran and sold a prestigious group practice in Manhattan and has been on Faculty at Columbia University and New York-Presbyterian Medical Center for 30 years including Director of the GPR program and Director of the course on Practice Management.

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