May 31, 2022THE CHANGE
The Pandemic of 2020 will have lasting impact on Dental Practice. Not the filtration systems, aerosol reduction, and PPE. It will impact how patients interact with dental practices and consume dental services.
People, when faced with their mortality, as many have during the Pandemic, can react in unexpected ways. Ways that can now be seen in consumer spending patterns.
One might think that with inflation and economic uncertainty on the horizon, people would be conservative in their spending. That’s the opposite of what’s happening.
An Epicurian Wave is sweeping the country. The prevailing attitude seems to be, “I’ve been cooped up for 2 years, now I’m going to live!” And, “let the finances be damned.”
Target’s profits plummeted, while Nordstrom’s have risen. Luxury items are flying off the shelves faster that formula.
How long this contradictory pattern will last is anyone’s guess. But the trend is clear, people are doing what they WANT and not what they NEED.
How does dentistry fit in with the definition of LIVE? Are your services a WANT or a NEED?
Therein lies the current challenge. How does one promote the fact that dentistry is an integral part of living? Indeed, a vital one, if one doesn’t want to succumb to the many disabilities and discomforts associated with oral disease and stomatognathic breakdown.
We know the NEED of what we do. Do our patients or potential one’s know it too?
It boils down to communicating to your patients and potential patients the VALUE of the care you deliver by promoting BENEFITS and positive outcomes.
Such messaging should now be revisited by a new analysis of your website, phone answering, written materials, newsletters, emails, and other communications. Indeed, communication with your current patients should increase in frequency in an effort to keep your practice and the services (VALUE and BENEFITS), ‘top of mind’.
Now is the time to communicate more, with precision intent and effective content.
Practice Perfect Systems can help.
To your effective communications,
Practice Success Insights
Dr. Michael Goldberg is one of the leading educators on dental practice management in the United States.
Michael ran and sold a prestigious group practice in Manhattan and has been on Faculty at Columbia University and New York-Presbyterian Medical Center for 30 years including Director of the GPR program and Director of the course on Practice Management.
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