April 12, 2020On this Easter Sunday during this Global Pandemic, thinking about resurrection is most appropriate. We’ve all heard about getting the “all clear sign”, “seeing the light at the end of the tunnel” and other euphemisms signifying the “end” of the “crisis” and about how things will get back to “normal”.
Sorry, the “normal” we had prior to Covid-19 has disappeared. Life, particularly travel, changed after 9/11 and life will change again post-Covid-19.
Our global interdependence has been illuminated. How will that play out in politics, travel, healthcare andcommerce in the future?
For parents, the new reality might mean greater involvement in their children’s education. For some, it might be unease about being in crowded places. For the healthcare field it might be a new appreciation of the risks and the ways that telemedicine can be used to mitigate them.
In business, companies might realize that they can do without large offices and allow more people to work from home. How will that impact corporate travel and thedesign of offices, homes and apartments?
Prior to the Pandemic, people were moving towards large cities to take advantage of the amenities. Will that continue? Will more people start moving to more remote areas?
We’ve been told that this virus disproportionately affectsthe poor, ill, obese and elderly. What impacts will that have in the new reality?
For healthcare delivery, the new reality will be quite impactful. There will definitely be regulations about aerosols, similar to those imposed for blood borne pathogens after the HIV crisis that started in the 80’s. The increase in use of PPE’s, now a term that everyone knows, will undoubtedly impact the cost of delivering care as well as workflow.
Right now, there are more questions than answers. Now is the time for healthcare providers to think and strategize.
Healthcare will undoubtedly change. Insurance will change. Communications and Education will change. Government regulation will change as well.
How will the law of “unintended consequences” be played out in this new reality?
We’ve learned what we can and cannot live without. The reality TV show SURVIVOR has taken on a new, more tangible meaning for many. How will that play out?
There are many questions. We are still in the midst of this. Many of us, not on the front lines, have some spare time. Now is the time to ask the questions, to challenge past assumptions, to solve the problems that have arisen and to think about Resurrection.
There will be some generalized answers but the answer to many of these questions will be personal and based on one’s unique circumstances. Every family and business operates in specific realities.
Being proactive in crafting a new normal will help diminish the likelihood of being dragged along into someone else’s vision of normal.
Wouldn’t it be preferable for you to be the writer, producer and director of the new, upcoming episode in the movie of your life as much as possible?
What do you want your new reality to look like?
Now is the time to take up the challenge and look at yourmovie and create a film that will fulfill your vision, goals and desires, while being true to your core values, those things that you hold most dear.
Now is a great time to put these down on paper. Physically write them down, post them up so you can readily and frequently refer to them.
We will be faced with many decisions in the upcoming weeks, months and years. Using a list of core values, vision, goals and desires as a guide will enable us to make decisions that will help us craft the results we envision.
Resurrection will undoubtedly come. It will also undoubtedly have some surprises. There’s no better time than the present to plan for resurrection and rebirth.
Strategic thought and planning has never been more important. Let us know how we can help.
Happy Easter and Happy Passover,
Laurie, Michael and the PPS team
Practice Success Insights

Dr. Michael Goldberg is one of the leading educators on dental practice management in the United States.
Michael ran and sold a prestigious group practice in Manhattan and has been on Faculty at Columbia University and New York-Presbyterian Medical Center for 30 years including Director of the GPR program and Director of the course on Practice Management.
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