Big Dumb Marketing

January 26, 2025
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When I look at the image attached, I cringe. Anyone who remembers 9/11 would. But never underestimate the sheer audacity—or idiocy—of marketers at big, clueless companies. They might as well have written, “Paris, We’re Coming For You Today” in bold letters. Bravo, Pakistan Airlines. Bravo.

But hold on—this level of insanity isn’t limited to aviation. Oh no, the dental world isn’t immune either.

Take a moment. Think about it. Why is the image of a jet aimed at the Eiffel Tower so jarring? It’s not just an airplane; it’s a not-so-subtle flashback to how commercial jets became weapons on 9/11. Now imagine this mental whiplash: you’re a dentist, and your website proudly displays instruments or rooms that conjure up memories of uncomfortable personal experiences or scenes from Marathon Man or Little Shop of Horrors.

Let’s break it down. What terrifies regular folks about the dentist? Pretty much everything. Especially the dreaded “Operatory,” which sounds like a place you’re wheeled into, never to return. So why, oh why, would anyone plaster pictures of sharp tools and gum prodding on their homepage? And, does anyone look forward to a stranger putting their hands in their mouth?  Are you trying to scare patients into flossing more? If so, mission accomplished.


But seriously, these images, though perfectly benign to you as a dentist, scream “pain” and “revulsion” to everyone else. That’s a bad vibe to give off when your goal is to attract patients, not make them rethink their dental insurance or reach for a gummy.

Here’s the problem: when you’re too close to the industry, you get desensitized, so do dental personnel and dental-focused, so-called marketing specialists. To you, those instruments, high-tech lasers, or appliances symbolize precision and professionalism. To everyone else, they look like the Grim Reaper’s starter pack. The cure? Marketing with empathy. You’ve got to get inside your audience’s head and think, “What makes them feel safe, happy, and reassured?” Spoiler: it’s not your collection of technology.

Let’s talk visuals that work. Puppies, babies, sunshine, and gorgeous smiles (especially from satisfied patients)—these are the crowd-pleasers. Why? Because positive emotions attract, and negative ones repel. It’s Marketing 101: a picture’s worth a thousand words, so make sure those words don’t translate to “run away!”

So, how do you avoid the “Big Dumb Marketing” trap? By educating yourself. Start with Dan Kennedy’s Magnetic Marketing secrets.  His monthly newsletter alone can teach you to spot good messaging from a mile away. Even better, you’ll learn the insider tricks his students have used to rake in billions. Yes, billions.

Don’t let big, bad marketing mistakes derail your business. Become an informed consumer of marketing, and you’ll see the results where it counts—your bottom line.  Best yet, subscribe towith Dan Kennedy’s Magnetic Marketing Secrets. and get the best information directly from the horse’s mouth.

To better marketing and brighter smiles,


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Dr. Michael Goldberg is one of the leading educators on dental practice management in the United States.

Michael ran and sold a prestigious group practice in Manhattan and has been on Faculty at Columbia University and New York-Presbyterian Medical Center for 30 years including Director of the GPR program and Director of the course on Practice Management.

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