Are You A CeO Or A CEO?

December 29, 2019
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There’s a huge difference between a Chief everything Officer and a Chief Executive  Officer!

Most dentists either try to do everything or delegate everything.  Most are never trained to be a Chief of anything other than the direct care they render to their patients.

The good news is that leaders are not not born, they’re made.  Research in neural science has led to evidence-based techniques that enable the learning of leadership skills.  MIT has a 2-day course that is worthwhile looking into.

Try to develop your skills in these 5 areas.  They will go a long way to promote your leadership potential.

1) Be a perpetual student:   Learning is a lifetime endeavor.  Those you wish to lead will appreciate it too.
2) Inspire through Action:  Action indeed speaks louder than words.  What you do is way more important that what you say.  Verbal communication relays only 20%.  Non-verbal skills can help with the other 80%.
3) Look at the Big Picture:  Having a clear picture of where you want to go and the ability to convey that to your team is a key leadership skill.  Learning storytelling can help.
4) Communicate:  Most dentists are introverts.  Communicating face to face is  challenging and stressful for them.  Yet a leader must communicate effectively.  
5) Listen:  Listening is a skill.  Actually hearing what others mean behind their words can make a leader more effective as people, especially in today’s on-line and fast-paced world, yearn to be heard, understood and appreciated.

Leadership skills can help propel you towards whatever goals you set for the upcoming 20’s. Become the CEO your team needs.

To your excellent success,

Michael and the PPS team

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Dr. Michael Goldberg is one of the leading educators on dental practice management in the United States.

Michael ran and sold a prestigious group practice in Manhattan and has been on Faculty at Columbia University and New York-Presbyterian Medical Center for 30 years including Director of the GPR program and Director of the course on Practice Management.

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